MCP Solver
A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that exposes MiniZinc constraint solving capabilities to Large Language Models.
The MCP Solver integrates MiniZinc constraint programming with LLMs through the Model Context Protocol, enabling AI models to:
- Create, edit, and validate constraint models
- Execute constraint solving operations
- Access and update solution knowledge
- Manage solver insights through a memo system
For a detailed description of the system architecture and theoretical foundations, see the accompanying research paper: Stefan Szeider, "MCP-Solver: Integrating Language Models with Constraint Programming Systems", arXiv:2501.00539, 2024.
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- Finite domain and global constraint support
- Asynchronous solving with configurable timeouts
- Item-based model editing
- Solution state management
- Knowledge base maintenance
Available Tools
Model modification has transitioned in this version from a line-based to an item-based editing approach, which improves robustness by validating each item independently. Each model modification operation returns the current model with numbered items in truncated form, ensuring consistent tracking of items and their indices. Line-based editing remains for handling the memo.
Tool Name | Description |
get_model | Get current model content with numbered items |
| `add_item` | Add new item at specific index |
| delete_item
| Delete item at index |
| replace_item
| Replace item at index |
| clear_model
| Clear all items in the model |
| solve_model
| Solve the model with the Chuffed constraint solver |
| get_solution
| Get specific variable value from solution with optional array indices |
| get_solve_time
| Get last solve execution time |
| get_memo
| Get current knowledge base |
| edit_memo
| Edit knowledge base |
System Requirements
- Python 3.11+
(Note: Python 3.11 is required to support the use ofasyncio.timeout
in the solver code.) - MiniZinc with the Chuffed solver
- Operating systems:
- macOS
- Windows
- Linux (with appropriate adaptations)
Install an MCP-compatible client (e.g., Claude web interface or desktop app)
Install the MCP Solver:
git clone cd mcp-solver uv pip install -e .
Create the configuration file:
For macOS/Linux:
For Windows:
Add the following content:
{ "mcpServers": { "MCP Solver": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "--directory", "/absolute/path/to/mcp-solver", // Use full path to mcp-solver directory "run", "mcp-solver" ] } } }
Note: For Windows, use backslashes and escape them:
"args": ["--directory", "C:\\absolute\\path\\to\\mcp-solver", "run", "mcp-solver"]
4. The memo file location defaults to the standard configuration directory for your operating system. The default can be overridden in `pyproject.toml`.
The setup can be tested with:
uv run test-setup
Below is a proposed new section for your README that describes the Lite Mode. This section highlights the differences, lists the reduced toolset, and shows how to configure the solver to run in Lite Mode using the --lite
Lite Mode
The MCP Solver also supports a Lite Mode, which provides a streamlined interface with only the essential tools. In Lite Mode, the available tools are limited to:
- clear_model
- add_item
- replace_item
- delete_item
- solve_model
- get_model
In this mode:
- solve_model returns the status of the solution—if the model is satisfiable (
), it also returns the solution; otherwise, only the status (UNSAT
) is provided. - The instructions prompt is loaded from
instead of the
To run the MCP Solver in Lite Mode, add the --lite
flag to your command. For example, update your configuration file as follows:
"mcpServers": {
"minizinc": {
"command": "uv",
"args": [
This is based on an example by George Johnson (NYT, July 13, 1999).
> Suppose that a theatrical director feels obligated to cast either his ingenue, Actress Alvarez, or his nephew, Actor Cohen, in a production. But Miss Alvarez won't be in a play with Mr. Cohen (her former lover), and she demands that the cast include her new flame, Actor Davenport. The producer, with her own favors to repay, insists that Actor Branislavsky have a part. But Mr. Branislavsky won't be in any play with Miss Alvarez or Mr. Davenport. Can the director cast the play?
Let me model this casting problem using MiniZinc. We'll use boolean variables to represent whether each actor is cast.
System: clear_model
Model cleared
System: add_item
var bool: alvarez; var bool: cohen; var bool: branislavsky; var bool: davenport; constraint alvarez \/ cohen; % Must cast either Alvarez or Cohen constraint not (alvarez /\ cohen); % Alvarez won't work with Cohen constraint alvarez -> davenport; % If Alvarez is cast, Davenport must be cast constraint branislavsky; % Branislavsky must be cast constraint not (branislavsky /\ alvarez); % Branislavsky won't work with Alvarez constraint not (branislavsky /\ davenport); % Branislavsky won't work with Davenport solve satisfy;
System: solve_model
{'status': 'SAT', 'solution': Solution(alvarez=False, cohen=True, branislavsky=True, davenport=False, _checker=''), 'solve_time': 0.0}
The problem has a solution: cast Cohen and Branislavsky, but not Alvarez or Davenport. Let's verify:
- Either Alvarez or Cohen must be cast ✓ (Cohen is cast)
- Alvarez and Cohen can't both be cast ✓ (only Cohen is cast)
- If Alvarez is cast, Davenport must be cast ✓ (Alvarez isn't cast)
- Branislavsky must be cast ✓ (Branislavsky is cast)
> 5. Branislavsky won't work with Alvarez ✓ (Alvarez isn't cast)
6. Branislavsky won't work with Davenport ✓ (Davenport isn't cast)
The director can cast the play with Cohen and Branislavsky.
This example shows how the same model can be solved with different parameter values, and the solving times can be obtained.
Check whether you can place n Queens on an nxn chessboard. Try n=10,20,30,40 and compare the solving times
Let me create a model for the N-Queens problem and test different sizes.
System: clear_model
Model cleared
System: add_item
int: n = 10; array[1..n] of var 1..n: queens; constraint alldifferent(queens); constraint alldifferent([queens[i] + i | i in 1..n]); constraint alldifferent([queens[i] - i | i in 1..n]); solve satisfy;
Testing n=10:
System: solve_model
{'status': 'SAT', 'solution': Solution(queens=[3, 6, 9, 1, 8, 4, 2, 7, 5, 10], _checker=''), 'solve_time': 0.001}
Testing n=20:
System: edit_model
int: n = 20;
System: solve_model
{'status': 'SAT', 'solution': Solution(queens=[4, 18, 16, 11, 13, 1, 3, 19, 8, 12, 17, 2, 10, 15, 6, 14, 9, 7, 5, 20], _checker=''), 'solve_time': 0.005}
Testing n=30:
System: edit_model
int: n = 30;
System: solve_model
{'status': 'SAT', 'solution': Solution(queens=[17, 23, 9, 18, 2, 13, 8, 1, 24, 21, 6, 22, 11, 26, 5, 25, 19, 14, 10, 3, 29, 27, 15, 4, 12, 20, 16, 7, 28, 30], _checker=''), 'solve_time': 0.04}
Testing n=40:
System: edit_model
int: n = 40;
System: solve_model
> {'status': 'SAT', 'solution': Solution(queens=[12, 34, 23, 8, 20, 31, 15, 27, 18, 33, 5, 2, 26, 10, 16, 32, 4, 11, 14, 3, 9, 25, 28, 30, 35, 6, 1, 17, 21, 37, 13, 29, 24, 19, 7, 22, 39, 36, 38, 40], _checker=''), 'solve_time': 0.043}
Solve times comparison: n=10: 0.001s n=20: 0.005s n=30: 0.040s n=40: 0.043s
Solutions exist for all tested board sizes. Time complexity increases non-linearly but remains manageable up to n=40.
A saleswoman based in Vienna needs to plan her upcoming tour through Austria, visiting each province capital once. Help find the shortest route. Distances in km: 1=Vienna, 2=St. Pölten, 3=Eisenstadt, 4=Linz, 5=Graz, 6=Klagenfurt, 7=Salzburg, 8=Innsbruck, 9=Bregenz
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 65 60 184 195 319 299 478 631 2 65 0 125 119 130 254 234 413 566 3 60 125 0 184 157 281 261 440 593 4 184 119 184 0 208 252 136 315 468 5 195 130 157 208 0 136 280 459 629 6 319 254 281 252 136 0 217 391 566 7 299 234 261 136 280 217 0 188 343 8 478 413 440 315 459 391 188 0 157 9 631 566 593 468 629 566 343 157 0
I'll model this as a Traveling Salesperson Problem using a circuit constraint.
System: add_item
include "globals.mzn"; int: n = 9;
> array[1..n,1..n] of int: dist = [|0,65,60,184,195,319,299,478,631|65,0,125,119,130,254,234,413,566|60,125,0,184,157,281,261,440,593|184,119,184,0,208,252,136,315,468|195,130,157,208,0,136,280,459,629|319,254,281,252,136,0,217,391,566|299,234,261,136,280,217,0,188,343|478,413,440,315,459,391,188,0,157|631,566,593,468,629,566,343,157,0|];
array[1..n] of var 1..n: succ; var int: total_dist = sum(i in 1..n)(dist[i,succ[i]]); constraint circuit(succ); solve minimize total_dist;
System: solve_model
{'status': 'SAT', 'solution': Solution(objective=1564, succ=[2, 4, 1, 7, 3, 5, 9, 6, 8], _checker=''), 'solve_time': 0.002}
Optimal route found: Vienna → St. Pölten → Linz → Salzburg → Bregenz → Innsbruck → Klagenfurt → Graz → Eisenstadt → Vienna
Total distance: 1,564 km
Route verification:
- Each city visited exactly once: ✓ (circuit constraint)
- Distance calculation correct: ✓
- Starting/ending in Vienna (city 1): ✓
Assume the road between Vienna and Eisenstadt is blocked, what is now the shortest tour?
I'll modify the distance matrix to make the Vienna-Eisenstadt route impossible (infinite distance).
System: add_item
array[1..n,1..n] of int: dist = [|0,65,9999,184,195,319,299,478,631|65,0,125,119,130,254,234,413,566|9999,125,0,184,157,281,261,440,593|184,119,184,0,208,252,136,315,468|195,130,157,208,0,136,280,459,629|319,254,281,252,136,0,217,391,566|299,234,261,136,280,217,0,188,343|478,413,440,315,459,391,188,0,157|631,566,593,468,629,566,343,157,0|];
System: solve_model
{'status': 'SAT', 'solution': Solution(objective=1694, succ=[4, 1, 2, 7, 3, 5, 9, 6, 8], _checker=''), 'solve_time': 0.003}
Optimal route: Vienna → Linz → St. Pölten → Salzburg → Bregenz → Innsbruck → Klagenfurt → Graz → Eisenstadt → Vienna
Total distance: 1,694 km (+130 km compared to unblocked route)
This MCP Solver is in its prototype stage and should be used with caution. Users are encouraged to experiment, but any use in critical environments is at their own risk.
See the for details on version history and changes.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.