
Created 12/4/2024byroychri







MCP Server for Asana

npm version

This Model Context Protocol server implementation of Asana allows you to talk to Asana API from MCP Client such as Anthropic's Claude Desktop Application, and many more.

More details on MCP here:


In the AI tool of your choice (ex: Claude Desktop) ask something about asana tasks, projects, workspaces, and/or comments. Mentioning the word "asana" will increase the chance of having the LLM pick the right tool.


How many unfinished asana tasks do we have in our Sprint 30 project?

Another example:

Claude Desktop Example


  1. asana_list_workspaces
    • List all available workspaces in Asana
    • Optional input:
      • opt_fields (string): Comma-separated list of optional fields to include
    • Returns: List of workspaces
  2. asana_search_projects
    • Search for projects in Asana using name pattern matching
    • Required input:
      • workspace (string): The workspace to search in
      • name_pattern (string): Regular expression pattern to match project names
    • Optional input:
      • archived (boolean): Only return archived projects (default: false)
      • opt_fields (string): Comma-separated list of optional fields to include
    • Returns: List of matching projects
  3. asana_search_tasks
    • Search tasks in a workspace with advanced filtering options
    • Required input:
      • workspace (string): The workspace to search in

              * Optional input:
      • text (string): Text to search for in task names and descriptions

      • resource_subtype (string): Filter by task subtype (e.g. milestone)

      • completed (boolean): Filter for completed tasks

      • is_subtask (boolean): Filter for subtasks

      • has_attachment (boolean): Filter for tasks with attachments

      • is_blocked (boolean): Filter for tasks with incomplete dependencies

      • is_blocking (boolean): Filter for incomplete tasks with dependents

      • assignee, projects, sections, tags, teams, and many other advanced filters

      • sort_by (string): Sort by due_date, created_at, completed_at, likes, modified_at (default: modified_at)

      • sort_ascending (boolean): Sort in ascending order (default: false)

      • opt_fields (string): Comma-separated list of optional fields to include

      • custom_fields (object): Object containing custom field filters

    • Returns: List of matching tasks
  4. asana_get_task
    • Get detailed information about a specific task
    • Required input:
      • task_id (string): The task ID to retrieve
    • Optional input:
      • opt_fields (string): Comma-separated list of optional fields to include
    • Returns: Detailed task information
  5. asana_create_task
    • Create a new task in a project
    • Required input:
      • project_id (string): The project to create the task in
      • name (string): Name of the task
    • Optional input:
      • notes (string): Description of the task

      • html_notes (string): HTML-like formatted description of the task

      • due_on (string): Due date in YYYY-MM-DD format

      • assignee (string): Assignee (can be 'me' or a user ID)

      • followers (array of strings): Array of user IDs to add as followers

      • parent (string): The parent task ID to set this task under

      • projects (array of strings): Array of project IDs to add this task to

                  * resource_subtype (string): The type of the task (default_task or milestone)
      • custom_fields (object): Object mapping custom field GID strings to their values

    • Returns: Created task information
  6. asana_get_task_stories
    • Get comments and stories for a specific task
    • Required input:
      • task_id (string): The task ID to get stories for
    • Optional input:
      • opt_fields (string): Comma-separated list of optional fields to include
    • Returns: List of task stories/comments
  7. asana_update_task
    • Update an existing task's details
    • Required input:
      • task_id (string): The task ID to update
    • Optional input:
      • name (string): New name for the task
      • notes (string): New description for the task
      • due_on (string): New due date in YYYY-MM-DD format
      • assignee (string): New assignee (can be 'me' or a user ID)
      • completed (boolean): Mark task as completed or not
      • resource_subtype (string): The type of the task (default_task or milestone)
      • custom_fields (object): Object mapping custom field GID strings to their values
    • Returns: Updated task information
  8. asana_get_project
    • Get detailed information about a specific project
    • Required input:
      • project_id (string): The project ID to retrieve
    • Optional input:
      • opt_fields (string): Comma-separated list of optional fields to include
    • Returns: Detailed project information
  9. asana_get_project_task_counts
    • Get the number of tasks in a project
    • Required input:
      • project_id (string): The project ID to get task counts for
    • Optional input:
      • opt_fields (string): Comma-separated list of optional fields to include
    • Returns: Task count information
  10. asana_get_project_sections
    • Get sections in a project

    • Required input:

      • project_id (string): The project ID to get sections for
    • Optional input:

                    * opt_fields (string): Comma-separated list of optional fields to include
    • Returns: List of project sections

  11. asana_create_task_story
    • Create a comment or story on a task
    • Required input:
      • task_id (string): The task ID to add the story to
      • text (string): The text content of the story/comment
    • Optional input:
      • opt_fields (string): Comma-separated list of optional fields to include
    • Returns: Created story information
  12. asana_add_task_dependencies
    • Set dependencies for a task
    • Required input:
      • task_id (string): The task ID to add dependencies to
      • dependencies (array of strings): Array of task IDs that this task depends on
    • Returns: Updated task dependencies
  13. asana_add_task_dependents
    • Set dependents for a task (tasks that depend on this task)
    • Required input:
      • task_id (string): The task ID to add dependents to
      • dependents (array of strings): Array of task IDs that depend on this task
    • Returns: Updated task dependents
  14. asana_create_subtask
    • Create a new subtask for an existing task
    • Required input:
      • parent_task_id (string): The parent task ID to create the subtask under
      • name (string): Name of the subtask
    • Optional input:
      • notes (string): Description of the subtask
      • due_on (string): Due date in YYYY-MM-DD format
      • assignee (string): Assignee (can be 'me' or a user ID)
      • opt_fields (string): Comma-separated list of optional fields to include
    • Returns: Created subtask information
  15. asana_get_multiple_tasks_by_gid
    • Get detailed information about multiple tasks by their GIDs (maximum 25 tasks)
    • Required input:
      • task_ids (array of strings or comma-separated string): Task GIDs to retrieve (max 25)
    • Optional input:
      • opt_fields (string): Comma-separated list of optional fields to include

              * Returns: List of detailed task information
  16. asana_get_project_status
    • Get a project status update
    • Required input:
      • project_status_gid (string): The project status GID to retrieve
    • Optional input:
      • opt_fields (string): Comma-separated list of optional fields to include
    • Returns: Project status information
  17. asana_get_project_statuses
    • Get all status updates for a project
    • Required input:
      • project_gid (string): The project GID to get statuses for
    • Optional input:
      • limit (number): Results per page (1-100)
      • offset (string): Pagination offset token
      • opt_fields (string): Comma-separated list of optional fields to include
    • Returns: List of project status updates
  18. asana_create_project_status
    • Create a new status update for a project
    • Required input:
      • project_gid (string): The project GID to create the status for
      • text (string): The text content of the status update
    • Optional input:
      • color (string): The color of the status (green, yellow, red)
      • title (string): The title of the status update
      • html_text (string): HTML formatted text for the status update
      • opt_fields (string): Comma-separated list of optional fields to include
    • Returns: Created project status information
  19. asana_delete_project_status
    • Delete a project status update
    • Required input:
      • project_status_gid (string): The project status GID to delete
    • Returns: Deletion confirmation
  20. asana_set_parent_for_task
    • Set the parent of a task and position the subtask within the other subtasks of that parent

    • Required input:

      • task_id (string): The task ID to operate on
      • parent (string): The new parent of the task, or null for no parent
    • Optional input:

                    * insert_after (string): A subtask of the parent to insert the task after, or null to insert at the beginning of the list
      • insert_before (string): A subtask of the parent to insert the task before, or null to insert at the end of the list
      • opt_fields (string): Comma-separated list of optional fields to include
    • Returns: Updated task information

  21. asana_get_tasks_for_tag
    • Get tasks for a specific tag
    • Required input:
      • tag_gid (string): The tag GID to retrieve tasks for
    • Optional input:
      • opt_fields (string): Comma-separated list of optional fields to include
      • opt_pretty (boolean): Provides the response in a 'pretty' format
      • limit (integer): The number of objects to return per page. The value must be between 1 and 100.
      • offset (string): An offset to the next page returned by the API.
    • Returns: List of tasks for the specified tag
  22. asana_get_tags_for_workspace
    • Get tags in a workspace
    • Required input:
      • workspace_gid (string): Globally unique identifier for the workspace or organization
    • Optional input:
      • limit (integer): Results per page. The number of objects to return per page. The value must be between 1 and 100.
      • offset (string): Offset token. An offset to the next page returned by the API.
      • opt_fields (string): Comma-separated list of optional fields to include
    • Returns: List of tags in the workspace


  1. task-summary
    • Get a summary and status update for a task based on its notes, custom fields and comments
    • Required input:
      • task_id (string): The task ID to get summary for
    • Returns: A detailed prompt with instructions for generating a task summary




  1. Create an Asana account:

    • Visit the Asana.
    • Click "Sign up".
  2. Retrieve the Asana Access Token:

                - You can generate a personal access token from the Asana developer console.
  3. Configure Claude Desktop: Add the following to your claude_desktop_config.json:

      "mcpServers": {
        "asana": {
          "command": "npx",
          "args": ["-y", "@roychri/mcp-server-asana"],
          "env": {
            "ASANA_ACCESS_TOKEN": "your-asana-access-token"


If you encounter permission errors:

  1. Ensure the asana plan you have allows API access
  2. Confirm the access token and configuration are correctly set in claude_desktop_config.json.


Clone this repo and start hacking.

Test it locally with the MCP Inspector

If you want to test your changes, you can use the MCP Inspector like this:

npm run inspector

This will expose the client to port 5173 and server to port 3000.

If those ports are already used by something else, you can use:

CLIENT_PORT=5009 SERVER_PORT=3009 npm run inspector


This MCP server is licensed under the MIT License. This means you are free to use, modify, and distribute the software, subject to the terms and conditions of the MIT License. For more details, please see the LICENSE file in the project repository.

Last updated: 2/28/2025

Publisher info

roychri's avatar

Christian Roy

PHP, RoR, Node.js, AWS, GCP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, Linux, Docker, Kubernetes.

Not far from Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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