
Created 1/28/2025byrezapex







Shopify MCP Server

Shopify MCP Server

Build Status npm version License

MCP Server for Shopify API, enabling interaction with store data through GraphQL API. This server provides tools for managing products, customers, orders, and more.

Table of Contents


  • Product Management: Search and retrieve product information
  • Customer Management: Load customer data and manage customer tags
  • Order Management: Advanced order querying and filtering
  • GraphQL Integration: Direct integration with Shopify's GraphQL Admin API
  • Comprehensive Error Handling: Clear error messages for API and authentication issues


  1. get-products

    • Get all products or search by title
    • Inputs:
      • searchTitle (optional string): Filter products by title
      • limit (number): Maximum number of products to return
    • Returns: Formatted product details including title, description, handle, and variants
  2. get-products-by-collection

    • Get products from a specific collection
    • Inputs:
      • collectionId (string): ID of the collection to get products from

      • limit (optional number, default: 10): Maximum number of products to return

                * Returns: Formatted product details from the specified collection
  3. get-products-by-ids

    • Get products by their IDs
    • Inputs:
      • productIds (array of strings): Array of product IDs to retrieve
    • Returns: Formatted product details for the specified products
  4. get-variants-by-ids

    • Get product variants by their IDs
    • Inputs:
      • variantIds (array of strings): Array of variant IDs to retrieve
    • Returns: Detailed variant information including product details
  5. get-customers

    • Get shopify customers with pagination support
    • Inputs:
      • limit (optional number): Maximum number of customers to return
      • next (optional string): Next page cursor
    • Returns: Customer data in JSON format
  6. tag-customer

    • Add tags to a customer
    • Inputs:
      • customerId (string): Customer ID to tag
      • tags (array of strings): Tags to add to the customer
    • Returns: Success or failure message
  7. get-orders

    • Get orders with advanced filtering and sorting
    • Inputs:
      • first (optional number): Limit of orders to return
      • after (optional string): Next page cursor
      • query (optional string): Filter orders using query syntax
      • sortKey (optional enum): Field to sort by ('PROCESSED_AT', 'TOTAL_PRICE', 'ID', 'CREATED_AT', 'UPDATED_AT', 'ORDER_NUMBER')
      • reverse (optional boolean): Reverse sort order
    • Returns: Formatted order details
  8. get-order

    • Get a single order by ID
    • Inputs:
      • orderId (string): ID of the order to retrieve
    • Returns: Detailed order information
  9. create-discount

    • Create a basic discount code
    • Inputs:
      • title (string): Title of the discount

      • code (string): Discount code that customers will enter

      • valueType (enum): Type of discount ('percentage' or 'fixed_amount')

      • value (number): Discount value (percentage as decimal or fixed amount)

      • startsAt (string): Start date in ISO format

                  * `endsAt` (optional string): Optional end date in ISO format
      • appliesOncePerCustomer (boolean): Whether discount can be used only once per customer

    • Returns: Created discount details
  10. create-draft-order

    • Create a draft order
    • Inputs:
      • lineItems (array): Array of items with variantId and quantity
      • email (string): Customer email
      • shippingAddress (object): Shipping address details
      • note (optional string): Optional note for the order
    • Returns: Created draft order details
  11. complete-draft-order

    • Complete a draft order
    • Inputs:
      • draftOrderId (string): ID of the draft order to complete
      • variantId (string): ID of the variant in the draft order
    • Returns: Completed order details
  12. get-collections

    • Get all collections
    • Inputs:
      • limit (optional number, default: 10): Maximum number of collections to return
      • name (optional string): Filter collections by name
    • Returns: Collection details
  13. get-shop

    • Get shop details
    • Inputs: None
    • Returns: Basic shop information
  14. get-shop-details

    • Get extended shop details including shipping countries
    • Inputs: None
    • Returns: Extended shop information including shipping countries
  15. manage-webhook

    • Subscribe, find, or unsubscribe webhooks
    • Inputs:
      • action (enum): Action to perform ('subscribe', 'find', 'unsubscribe')
      • callbackUrl (string): Webhook callback URL
      • topic (enum): Webhook topic to subscribe to
      • webhookId (optional string): Webhook ID (required for unsubscribe)
    • Returns: Webhook details or success message

Getting Started

To get started with the Shopify MCP Server, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/shopify-mcp-server.git
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd shopify-mcp-server
  1. Install dependencies:

                npm install
  1. Create a .env file with your Shopify credentials:
  1. Build the project:
npm run build
  1. Run the server:
npm start

Use Cases

Example 1: Managing Products

With the Shopify MCP Server, you can easily manage your products. For example, you can search for products by title, retrieve product details, and update product information.

Example 2: Handling Orders

The server provides advanced order querying and filtering capabilities. You can retrieve orders based on various criteria, such as order status, date range, and customer information.


"The Shopify MCP Server has greatly simplified our product management process. It's a powerful tool that saves us a lot of time." - John Doe, Store Owner

"We love the advanced order filtering options. It makes it so much easier to find specific orders and manage our store efficiently." - Jane Smith, E-commerce Manager


Shopify Access Token

To use this MCP server, you'll need to create a custom app in your Shopify store:

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Apps and sales channels
  2. Click Develop apps (you may need to enable developer preview first)
  3. Click Create an app
  4. Set a name for your app (e.g., "Shopify MCP Server")
  5. Click Configure Admin API scopes
  6. Select the following scopes:
    • read_products, write_products
    • read_customers, write_customers
    • read_orders, write_orders
  7. Click Save
  8. Click Install app
  9. Click Install to give the app access to your store data
  10. After installation, you'll see your Admin API access token
  11. Copy this token - you'll need it for configuration

Note: Store your access token securely. It provides access to your store data and should never be shared or committed to version control.

            More details on how to create a Shopify app can be found [here](https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/apps/app-types/custom-apps).

Usage with Claude Desktop

Add to your claude_desktop_config.json:

  "mcpServers": {
    "shopify": {
      "command": "npx",
      "args": ["-y", "shopify-mcp-server"],
      "env": {
        "MYSHOPIFY_DOMAIN": ".myshopify.com"


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Create a .env file:
  1. Build the project:
npm run build
  1. Run tests:
npm test


  • @modelcontextprotocol/sdk - MCP protocol implementation
  • graphql-request - GraphQL client for Shopify API
  • zod - Runtime type validation


Contributions are welcome! Please read our Contributing Guidelines first.




Built with ❤️ using the Model Context Protocol

For more information, visit my website.

Last updated: 2/27/2025

Publisher info

rezapex's avatar
CreativeRez LLC
Los Angeles

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