MCP Framework
MCP-Framework is a framework for building Model Context Protocol (MCP) servers elegantly in TypeScript.
MCP-Framework gives you architecture out of the box, with automatic directory-based discovery for tools, resources, and prompts. Use our powerful MCP abstractions to define tools, resources, or prompts in an elegant way. Our cli makes getting started with your own MCP server a breeze
- 🛠️ Automatic discovery and loading of tools, resources, and prompts
- Multiple transport support (stdio, SSE)
- TypeScript-first development with full type safety
- Built on the official MCP SDK
- Easy-to-use base classes for tools, prompts, and resources
- Out of the box authentication for SSE endpoints
Read the full docs here
Creating a repository with mcp-framework
Using the CLI (Recommended)
# Install the framework globally
npm install -g mcp-framework
# Create a new MCP server project
mcp create my-mcp-server
# Navigate to your project
cd my-mcp-server
# Your server is ready to use!
CLI Usage
The framework provides a powerful CLI for managing your MCP server projects:
Project Creation
# Create a new project
mcp create
Adding a Tool
# Add a new tool
mcp add tool price-fetcher
Adding a Prompt
# Add a new prompt
mcp add prompt price-analysis
Adding a Resource
# Add a new prompt
mcp add resource market-data
Development Workflow
- Create your project:
mcp create my-mcp-server
cd my-mcp-server
Add tools as needed:
mcp add tool data-fetcher mcp add tool data-processor mcp add tool report-generator
npm run build
Add to MCP Client (Read below for Claude Desktop example)
Using with Claude Desktop
Local Development
Add this configuration to your Claude Desktop config file:
**MacOS**: \`~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json\`
Windows: `%APPDATA%/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json`
"mcpServers": {
"${projectName}": {
"command": "node",
After Publishing
Add this configuration to your Claude Desktop config file:
MacOS: `~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json` Windows: `%APPDATA%/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json`
"mcpServers": {
"${projectName}": {
"command": "npx",
"args": ["${projectName}"]
Building and Testing
- Make changes to your tools
- Run `npm run build` to compile
- The server will automatically load your tools on startup
Quick Start
Creating a Tool
import { MCPTool } from "mcp-framework";
import { z } from "zod";
interface ExampleInput {
message: string;
class ExampleTool extends MCPTool {
name = "example_tool";
description = "An example tool that processes messages";
schema = {
message: {
type: z.string(),
description: "Message to process",
async execute(input: ExampleInput) {
return `Processed: ${input.message}`;
export default ExampleTool;
Setting up the Server
import { MCPServer } from "mcp-framework";
const server = new MCPServer();
// OR (mutually exclusive!) with SSE transport
const server = new MCPServer({
transport: {
type: "sse",
options: {
port: 8080 // Optional (default: 8080)
// Start the server
await server.start();
Transport Configuration
stdio Transport (Default)
The stdio transport is used by default if no transport configuration is provided:
const server = new MCPServer();
// or explicitly:
const server = new MCPServer({
transport: { type: "stdio" }
SSE Transport
To use Server-Sent Events (SSE) transport:
const server = new MCPServer({
transport: {
type: "sse",
options: {
port: 8080, // Optional (default: 8080)
endpoint: "/sse", // Optional (default: "/sse")
messageEndpoint: "/messages", // Optional (default: "/messages")
cors: {
allowOrigin: "*", // Optional (default: "*")
allowMethods: "GET, POST, OPTIONS", // Optional (default: "GET, POST, OPTIONS")
allowHeaders: "Content-Type, Authorization, x-api-key", // Optional (default: "Content-Type, Authorization, x-api-key")
exposeHeaders: "Content-Type, Authorization, x-api-key", // Optional (default: "Content-Type, Authorization, x-api-key")
maxAge: "86400" // Optional (default: "86400")
CORS Configuration
The SSE transport supports flexible CORS configuration. By default, it uses permissive settings suitable for development. For production, you should configure CORS according to your security requirements:
const server = new MCPServer({
transport: {
type: "sse",
options: {
// Restrict to specific origin
cors: {
allowOrigin: "",
allowMethods: "GET, POST",
allowHeaders: "Content-Type, Authorization",
exposeHeaders: "Content-Type, Authorization",
maxAge: "3600"
// Or with multiple allowed origins
const server = new MCPServer({
transport: {
type: "sse",
options: {
cors: {
allowOrigin: ",",
allowMethods: "GET, POST, OPTIONS",
allowHeaders: "Content-Type, Authorization, Custom-Header",
exposeHeaders: "Content-Type, Authorization",
maxAge: "86400"
MCP Framework provides optional authentication for SSE endpoints. You can choose between JWT and API Key authentication, or implement your own custom authentication provider.
JWT Authentication
import { MCPServer, JWTAuthProvider } from "mcp-framework";
import { Algorithm } from "jsonwebtoken";
const server = new MCPServer({
transport: {
type: "sse",
options: {
auth: {
provider: new JWTAuthProvider({
secret: process.env.JWT_SECRET,
algorithms: ["HS256" as Algorithm], // Optional (default: ["HS256"])
headerName: "Authorization" // Optional (default: "Authorization")
endpoints: {
sse: true, // Protect SSE endpoint (default: false)
messages: true // Protect message endpoint (default: true)
Clients must include a valid JWT token in the Authorization header:
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIs...
API Key Authentication
import { MCPServer, APIKeyAuthProvider } from "mcp-framework";
const server = new MCPServer({
transport: {
type: "sse",
options: {
auth: {
provider: new APIKeyAuthProvider({
keys: [process.env.API_KEY],
headerName: "X-API-Key" // Optional (default: "X-API-Key")
Clients must include a valid API key in the X-API-Key header:
X-API-Key: your-api-key
Custom Authentication
You can implement your own authentication provider by implementing the AuthProvider
import { AuthProvider, AuthResult } from "mcp-framework";
import { IncomingMessage } from "node:http";
class CustomAuthProvider implements AuthProvider {
async authenticate(req: IncomingMessage): Promise {
// Implement your custom authentication logic
return true;
getAuthError() {
return {
status: 401,
message: "Authentication failed"
Publisher info
Alex Andru
Dude with a pc from Barcelona