
Created 3/1/2025byosomai







ServiceNow MCP Server

A Model Completion Protocol (MCP) server implementation for ServiceNow, allowing Claude to interact with ServiceNow instances.


This project implements an MCP server that enables Claude to connect to ServiceNow instances, retrieve data, and perform actions through the ServiceNow API. It serves as a bridge between Claude and ServiceNow, allowing for seamless integration.


  • Connect to ServiceNow instances using various authentication methods (Basic, OAuth, API Key)
  • Query ServiceNow records and tables
  • Create, update, and delete ServiceNow records
  • Execute ServiceNow scripts and workflows
  • Access and query the ServiceNow Service Catalog
  • Analyze and optimize the ServiceNow Service Catalog
  • Debug mode for troubleshooting



  • Python 3.11 or higher
  • A ServiceNow instance with appropriate access credentials


  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone https://github.com/yourusername/servicenow-mcp.git
    cd servicenow-mcp
  2. Create a virtual environment and install the package:

    python -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate  # On Windows: .venv\Scripts\activate
    pip install -e .
  3. Create a .env file with your ServiceNow credentials:

    SERVICENOW_AUTH_TYPE=basic  # or oauth, api_key


Running the Server

To start the MCP server:

python -m servicenow_mcp.cli

Or with environment variables:

SERVICENOW_INSTANCE_URL=https://your-instance.service-now.com SERVICENOW_USERNAME=your-username SERVICENOW_PASSWORD=your-password SERVICENOW_AUTH_TYPE=basic python -m servicenow_mcp.cli

Available Tools

The ServiceNow MCP server provides the following tools:

Incident Management Tools

  1. create_incident - Create a new incident in ServiceNow

             2. **update_incident** - Update an existing incident in ServiceNow
  2. add_comment - Add a comment to an incident in ServiceNow

  3. resolve_incident - Resolve an incident in ServiceNow

  4. list_incidents - List incidents from ServiceNow

Service Catalog Tools

  1. list_catalog_items - List service catalog items from ServiceNow
  2. get_catalog_item - Get a specific service catalog item from ServiceNow
  3. list_catalog_categories - List service catalog categories from ServiceNow
  4. create_catalog_category - Create a new service catalog category in ServiceNow
  5. update_catalog_category - Update an existing service catalog category in ServiceNow
  6. move_catalog_items - Move catalog items between categories in ServiceNow

Catalog Optimization Tools

  1. get_optimization_recommendations - Get recommendations for optimizing the service catalog
  2. update_catalog_item - Update a service catalog item

Change Management Tools

  1. create_change_request - Create a new change request in ServiceNow
  2. update_change_request - Update an existing change request
  3. list_change_requests - List change requests with filtering options
  4. get_change_request_details - Get detailed information about a specific change request
  5. add_change_task - Add a task to a change request
  6. submit_change_for_approval - Submit a change request for approval
  7. approve_change - Approve a change request
  8. reject_change - Reject a change request

Workflow Management Tools

  1. list_workflows - List workflows from ServiceNow
  2. get_workflow - Get a specific workflow from ServiceNow
  3. create_workflow - Create a new workflow in ServiceNow
  4. update_workflow - Update an existing workflow in ServiceNow
  5. delete_workflow - Delete a workflow from ServiceNow

Script Include Management Tools

  1. list_script_includes - List script includes from ServiceNow

             2. **get_script_include** - Get a specific script include from ServiceNow
  2. create_script_include - Create a new script include in ServiceNow

  3. update_script_include - Update an existing script include in ServiceNow

  4. delete_script_include - Delete a script include from ServiceNow

Changeset Management Tools

  1. list_changesets - List changesets from ServiceNow with filtering options
  2. get_changeset_details - Get detailed information about a specific changeset
  3. create_changeset - Create a new changeset in ServiceNow
  4. update_changeset - Update an existing changeset
  5. commit_changeset - Commit a changeset
  6. publish_changeset - Publish a changeset
  7. add_file_to_changeset - Add a file to a changeset

Using the MCP CLI

The ServiceNow MCP server can be installed with the MCP CLI, which provides a convenient way to register the server with Claude.

# Install the ServiceNow MCP server with environment variables from .env file
mcp install src/servicenow_mcp/server.py -f .env

This command will register the ServiceNow MCP server with Claude and configure it to use the environment variables from the .env file.

Integration with Claude Desktop

To configure the ServiceNow MCP server in Claude Desktop:

  1. Edit the Claude Desktop configuration file at ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json (macOS) or the appropriate path for your OS:
  "mcpServers": {
    "ServiceNow": {
      "command": "/Users/yourusername/dev/servicenow-mcp/.venv/bin/python",
      "args": [
      "env": {
        "SERVICENOW_INSTANCE_URL": "https://your-instance.service-now.com",
        "SERVICENOW_USERNAME": "your-username",
        "SERVICENOW_PASSWORD": "your-password",
        "SERVICENOW_AUTH_TYPE": "basic"
  1. Restart Claude Desktop to apply the changes

Example Usage with Claude

            Once the ServiceNow MCP server is configured with Claude Desktop, you can ask Claude to perform actions like:

Incident Management Examples

  • "Create a new incident for a network outage in the east region"
  • "Update the priority of incident INC0010001 to high"
  • "Add a comment to incident INC0010001 saying the issue is being investigated"
  • "Resolve incident INC0010001 with a note that the server was restarted"
  • "List all high priority incidents assigned to the Network team"

Service Catalog Examples

  • "Show me all items in the service catalog"
  • "List all service catalog categories"
  • "Get details about the laptop request catalog item"
  • "Show me all catalog items in the Hardware category"
  • "Search for 'software' in the service catalog"
  • "Create a new category called 'Cloud Services' in the service catalog"
  • "Update the 'Hardware' category to rename it to 'IT Equipment'"
  • "Move the 'Virtual Machine' catalog item to the 'Cloud Services' category"
  • "Create a subcategory called 'Monitors' under the 'IT Equipment' category"
  • "Reorganize our catalog by moving all software items to the 'Software' category"

Catalog Optimization Examples

  • "Analyze our service catalog and identify opportunities for improvement"
  • "Find catalog items with poor descriptions that need improvement"
  • "Identify catalog items with low usage that we might want to retire"
  • "Find catalog items with high abandonment rates"
  • "Optimize our Hardware category to improve user experience"

Change Management Examples

  • "Create a change request for server maintenance to apply security patches tomorrow night"

  • "Schedule a database upgrade for next Tuesday from 2 AM to 4 AM"

  • "Add a task to the server maintenance change for pre-implementation checks"

  • "Submit the server maintenance change for approval"

  • "Approve the database upgrade change with comment: implementation plan looks thorough"

  • "Show me all emergency changes scheduled for this week"

              - "List all changes assigned to the Network team"

Workflow Management Examples

  • "Show me all active workflows in ServiceNow"
  • "Get details about the incident approval workflow"
  • "List all versions of the change request workflow"
  • "Show me all activities in the service catalog request workflow"
  • "Create a new workflow for handling software license requests"
  • "Update the description of the incident escalation workflow"
  • "Activate the new employee onboarding workflow"
  • "Deactivate the old password reset workflow"
  • "Add an approval activity to the software license request workflow"
  • "Update the notification activity in the incident escalation workflow"
  • "Delete the unnecessary activity from the change request workflow"
  • "Reorder the activities in the service catalog request workflow"

Changeset Management Examples

  • "List all changesets in ServiceNow"
  • "Show me all changesets created by developer 'john.doe'"
  • "Get details about changeset 'sys_update_set_123'"
  • "Create a new changeset for the 'HR Portal' application"
  • "Update the description of changeset 'sys_update_set_123'"
  • "Commit changeset 'sys_update_set_123' with message 'Fixed login issue'"
  • "Publish changeset 'sys_update_set_123' to production"
  • "Add a file to changeset 'sys_update_set_123'"
  • "Show me all changes in changeset 'sys_update_set_123'"

Example Scripts

The repository includes example scripts that demonstrate how to use the tools:

  • examples/catalog_optimization_example.py: Demonstrates how to analyze and improve the ServiceNow Service Catalog
  • examples/change_management_demo.py: Shows how to create and manage change requests in ServiceNow

Authentication Methods

Basic Authentication


OAuth Authentication



API Key Authentication




Additional documentation is available in the docs directory:


Common Errors with Change Management Tools

  1. Error: argument after ** must be a mapping, not CreateChangeRequestParams

    • This error occurs when you pass a CreateChangeRequestParams object instead of a dictionary to the create_change_request function.
    • Solution: Make sure you're passing a dictionary with the parameters, not a Pydantic model object.
    • Note: The change management tools have been updated to handle this error automatically. The functions will now attempt to unwrap parameters if they're incorrectly wrapped or passed as a Pydantic model object.
  2. Error: Missing required parameter 'type'

    • This error occurs when you don't provide all required parameters for creating a change request.
    • Solution: Make sure to include all required parameters. For create_change_request, both short_description and type are required.
  3. Error: Invalid value for parameter 'type'

    • This error occurs when you provide an invalid value for the type parameter.

    • Solution: Use one of the valid values: "normal", "standard", or "emergency".

             4. **Error: `Cannot find get_headers method in either auth_manager or server_config`**
    • This error occurs when the parameters are passed in the wrong order or when using objects that don't have the required methods.

    • Solution: Make sure you're passing the auth_manager and server_config parameters in the correct order. The functions have been updated to handle parameter swapping automatically.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some amazing feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/amazing-feature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Last updated: 3/3/2025

Publisher info

osomai's avatar

100x Technology Inc

United States of America

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