Connect your PocketMine server with Discord™!
- Download phar from Poggit™
- Put it in /plugins folder
- Start server
- Edit config
- Reload server
webhook_url: Your discord webhook url.
chat_url: Webhook url for the /discord command and when somebody chats. Set to 0 to use default.
username: The username the plugin uses in discord.
chat_username: The username of the plugin for /discord and when someone chats. Set to 0 to use default.
chat_format: Format in discord that the plugin uses when sending a message. {player} and {message} can be used.
start_message: Message sent when server starts.
shutdown_message: Message sent when server stops.
join_message: Message sent when player joins. {player} can be used.
quit_message: Message sent when player leaves. {player} can be used.
death_message: Message sent when player get killed. {player} can be used.
command: Enable/disable "/discord"
chat_prefix: Prefix for chat. When "!" and someone says !Hello, Hello is send to Discord
chat: Send everything to Discord. Recommended to keep this disabled, but it can be used.
pureperms: Support for PurePerms rank names. PurePerms ranks use the prefix {rank}. If not enabled, {rank} tags will show as "{rank}".
debug: Show error messages.
Making a Discord™ webhook:
- Open Discord
- Go to your server
- Make a new chat channel / Open one
- Click on the settings icon beside your chat channel name
- Click Webhooks => New
- Click "Copy" under Webhook URL
- Paste it in the config
- No more!
Publisher info
An developer who's member of the BoxOfDevs team.
More MCP servers built with PHP
The Official ServerLoveMCPE Plugin. This is a Community project, so feel free to contribute.
An old MCPE Server file, that I had since 2020. feels free to use it. The gamemode is HCF, old pocketmine API
Plugin that provides extras specific the the Wattz.org.uk server network - not really intended to be used on other servers but feel free to copy code if useful to you