
Created 2/3/2025bykEND







MCP over SSE

This library provides a simple implementation of the Model Context Protocol (MCP) over Server-Sent Events (SSE).

For more information about the Model Context Protocol, visit: Model Context Protocol Documentation


For Phoenix Applications:

  1. Add the required configuration to config/config.exs:
# Configure MIME types for SSE
config :mime, :types, %{
  "text/event-stream" => ["sse"]

# Configure the MCP Server
config :nws_mcp_server, :mcp_server, MCP.DefaultServer
# config :nws_mcp_server, :mcp_server, YourApp.YourMCPServer
  1. Add to your dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
    {:mcp_sse, "~> 0.1.0"}
  1. Configure your router (lib/your_app_web/router.ex):
pipeline :sse do
  plug :accepts, ["sse"]

scope "/" do
  pipe_through :sse
  get "/sse", SSE.ConnectionPlug, :call
  pipe_through :api
  post "/message", SSE.ConnectionPlug, :call

For Plug Applications with Bandit:

  1. Create a new Plug application with supervision:
mix new your_app --sup
  1. Add the required configuration to config/config.exs:
import Config

# Configure MIME types for SSE
config :mime, :types, %{
  "text/event-stream" => ["sse"]

# Configure the MCP Server
config :mcp_sse, :mcp_server, YourApp.MCPServer
  1. Add dependencies to mix.exs:
def deps do
    {:mcp_sse, "~> 0.1.0"},
    {:plug, "~> 1.14"},
    {:bandit, "~> 1.2"}
  1. Configure your router (lib/your_app/router.ex):
defmodule YourApp.Router do
  use Plug.Router
  plug Plug.Parsers,
    parsers: [:urlencoded, :json],
    pass: ["text/*"],
    json_decoder: Jason

  plug :match
  plug :ensure_session_id
  plug :dispatch

  # Middleware to ensure session ID exists
  def ensure_session_id(conn, _opts) do
    case get_session_id(conn) do
      nil ->
        # Generate a new session ID if none exists

                        session_id = generate_session_id()
        %{conn | query_params: Map.put(conn.query_params, "sessionId", session_id)}
      _session_id ->

  # Helper to get session ID from query params
  defp get_session_id(conn) do

  # Generate a unique session ID
  defp generate_session_id do
    Base.encode16(:crypto.strong_rand_bytes(8), case: :lower)

  forward "/sse", to: SSE.ConnectionPlug
  forward "/message", to: SSE.ConnectionPlug

  match _ do
    send_resp(conn, 404, "Not found")
  1. Set up your application supervision (lib/your_app/application.ex):
defmodule YourApp.Application do
  use Application

  @impl true
  def start(_type, _args) do
    children = [
      {Bandit, plug: YourApp.Router, port: 4000}

    opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: YourApp.Supervisor]
    Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

Session Management

The MCP SSE server requires a session ID for each connection. The router automatically:

  • Uses an existing session ID from query parameters if provided
  • Generates a new session ID if none exists
  • Ensures all requests to /sse and /message endpoints have a valid session ID

Configuration Options

The Bandit server can be configured with additional options in your application module:

# Example with custom port and HTTPS
children = [
    plug: YourApp.Router,
    port: System.get_env("PORT", "4000") |> String.to_integer(),
    scheme: :https,
    certfile: "priv/cert/selfsigned.pem",
    keyfile: "priv/cert/selfsigned_key.pem"

The use MCPServer macro provides:

  • Built-in message routing
  • Protocol version validation
  • Default implementations for optional callbacks
  • JSON-RPC error handling
  • Logging

You only need to implement the required callbacks (handle_ping/1 and handle_initialize/2) and any optional callbacks for features you want to support.

            ### Protocol Documentation

For detailed information about the Model Context Protocol, visit: Model Context Protocol Documentation


  • Full MCP server implementation
  • SSE connection management
  • JSON-RPC message handling
  • Tool registration and execution
  • Session management
  • Automatic ping/keepalive
  • Error handling and validation



Quick Demo

To see the MCP server in action:

  1. Start the Phoenix server:
mix phx.server
  1. In another terminal, run the demo client script:
elixir examples/mcp_client.exs

The client script will:

  • Connect to the SSE endpoint
  • Initialize the connection
  • List available tools
  • Call the upcase tool with example input
  • Display the results of each step

This provides a practical demonstration of the MCP protocol flow and server capabilities.

Other Notes

Example Client Usage

// Connect to SSE endpoint
const sse = new EventSource('/sse');

// Handle endpoint message
sse.addEventListener('endpoint', (e) => {
  const messageEndpoint = e.data;
  // Use messageEndpoint for subsequent JSON-RPC requests

// Send initialize request
fetch('/message?sessionId=YOUR_SESSION_ID', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
  body: JSON.stringify({
    jsonrpc: '2.0',
    id: 1,
    method: 'initialize',
    params: {
      protocolVersion: '2024-11-05',
      capabilities: {}

SSE Keepalive

The SSE connection sends periodic keepalive pings to prevent connection timeouts. You can configure the ping interval or disable it entirely:

# In config/config.exs

# Set custom ping interval (in milliseconds)
config :mcp_sse, :sse_keepalive_timeout, 30_000  # 30 seconds

# Or disable pings entirely
config :mcp_sse, :sse_keepalive_timeout, :infinity

MCP Response Formatting

            When implementing tool responses in your MCP server, the content must follow the MCP specification for content types.

The response content should be formatted as one of these types:

# Text content
   jsonrpc: "2.0",
   id: request_id,
   result: %{
     content: [
         type: "text",
         text: "Your text response here"

# Image content
   jsonrpc: "2.0",
   id: request_id,
   result: %{
     content: [
         type: "image",
         data: "base64_encoded_image_data",
         mimeType: "image/png"

# Resource reference
   jsonrpc: "2.0",
   id: request_id,
   result: %{
     content: [
         type: "resource",
         resource: %{
           name: "resource_name",
           description: "resource description"

For structured data like JSON, you should convert it to a formatted string:

def handle_call_tool(request_id, %{"name" => "list_companies"} = _params) do
  companies = fetch_companies()  # Your data fetching logic

     jsonrpc: "2.0",
     id: request_id,
     result: %{
       content: [
           type: "text",
           text: Jason.encode!(companies, pretty: true)

For more details on response formatting, see the MCP Content Types Specification.

Last updated: 2/24/2025

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