
Created 2/24/2025byj3k0







MCP Google Workspace Server

A Model Context Protocol server for Google Workspace services. This server provides tools to interact with Gmail and Google Calendar through the MCP protocol.


  • Multiple Google Account Support

    • Use and switch between multiple Google accounts
    • Each account can have custom metadata and descriptions
  • Gmail Integration

    • Query emails with advanced search
    • Read full email content and attachments
    • Create and manage drafts
    • Reply to emails
    • Archive emails
    • Handle attachments
    • Bulk operations support
  • Calendar Integration

    • List available calendars
    • View calendar events
    • Create new events
    • Delete events
    • Support for multiple calendars
    • Custom timezone support

Example Prompts

Try these example prompts with your AI assistant:


  • "Retrieve my latest unread messages"
  • "Search my emails from the Scrum Master"
  • "Retrieve all emails from accounting"
  • "Take the email about ABC and summarize it"
  • "Write a nice response to Alice's last email and upload a draft"
  • "Reply to Bob's email with a Thank you note. Store it as draft"


  • "What do I have on my agenda tomorrow?"
  • "Check my private account's Family agenda for next week"
  • "I need to plan an event with Tim for 2hrs next week. Suggest some time slots"


  • Node.js >= 18
  • A Google Cloud project with Gmail and Calendar APIs enabled
  • OAuth 2.0 credentials for Google APIs


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/j3k0/mcp-google-workspace.git
    cd mcp-google-workspace
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Build the TypeScript code:

    npm run build


OAuth 2.0 Setup

Google Workspace (G Suite) APIs require OAuth2 authorization. Follow these steps to set up authentication:

  1. Create OAuth2 Credentials:

                - Go to the [Google Cloud Console](https://console.cloud.google.com/)
    • Create a new project or select an existing one
    • Enable the Gmail API and Google Calendar API for your project
    • Go to "Credentials" → "Create Credentials" → "OAuth client ID"
    • Select "Desktop app" or "Web application" as the application type
    • Configure the OAuth consent screen with required information
    • Add authorized redirect URIs (include http://localhost:4100/code for local development)
  2. Required OAuth2 Scopes:

  3. Create a .gauth.json file in the project root with your Google OAuth 2.0 credentials:

      "installed": {
        "client_id": "your_client_id",
        "project_id": "your_project_id",
        "auth_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
        "token_uri": "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token",
        "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs",
        "client_secret": "your_client_secret",
        "redirect_uris": ["http://localhost:4100/code"]
  4. Create a .accounts.json file to specify which Google accounts can use the server:

      "accounts": [
          "email": "your.email@gmail.com",
          "account_type": "personal",
          "extra_info": "Primary account with Family Calendar"

    You can specify multiple accounts. Make sure they have access in your Google Auth app. The extra_info field is especially useful as you can add information here that you want to tell the AI about the account (e.g., whether it has a specific calendar).

Claude Desktop Configuration

Configure Claude Desktop to use the mcp-google-workspace server:

On MacOS: Edit ~/Library/Application\ Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json

            On Windows: Edit `%APPDATA%/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json`

Development/Unpublished Servers Configuration

  "mcpServers": {
    "mcp-google-workspace": {
      "command": "/mcp-google-workspace/launch"

Published Servers Configuration

  "mcpServers": {
    "mcp-google-workspace": {
      "command": "npx",
      "args": [


  1. Start the server:

    npm start

    Optional arguments:

    • --gauth-file: Path to the OAuth2 credentials file (default: ./.gauth.json)
    • --accounts-file: Path to the accounts configuration file (default: ./.accounts.json)
    • --credentials-dir: Directory to store OAuth credentials (default: current directory)
  2. The server will start and listen for MCP commands via stdin/stdout.

  3. On first run for each account, it will:

    • Open a browser window for OAuth2 authentication
    • Listen on port 4100 for the OAuth2 callback
    • Store the credentials for future use in a file named .oauth2.{email}.json

Available Tools

Account Management

  1. gmail_list_accounts / calendar_list_accounts
    • List all configured Google accounts
    • View account metadata and descriptions
    • No user_id required

Gmail Tools

  1. gmail_query_emails

    • Search emails with Gmail's query syntax (e.g., 'is:unread', 'from:example@gmail.com', 'newer_than:2d', 'has:attachment')
    • Returns emails in reverse chronological order
    • Includes metadata and content summary
  2. gmail_get_email

    • Retrieve complete email content by ID
    • Includes full message body and attachment info
  3. gmail_bulk_get_emails

    • Retrieve multiple emails by ID in a single request
    • Efficient for batch processing
  4. gmail_create_draft

    • Create new email drafts
    • Support for CC recipients
  5. gmail_delete_draft

                - Delete draft emails by ID
  6. gmail_reply

    • Reply to existing emails
    • Option to send immediately or save as draft
    • Support for "Reply All" via CC
  7. gmail_get_attachment

    • Download email attachments
    • Save to disk or return as embedded resource
  8. gmail_bulk_save_attachments

    • Save multiple attachments in a single operation
  9. gmail_archive / gmail_bulk_archive

    • Move emails out of inbox
    • Support for individual or bulk operations

Calendar Tools

  1. calendar_list

    • List all accessible calendars
    • Includes calendar metadata, access roles, and timezone information
  2. calendar_get_events

    • Retrieve events in a date range
    • Support for multiple calendars
    • Filter options (deleted events, max results)
    • Timezone customization
  3. calendar_create_event

    • Create new calendar events
    • Support for attendees and notifications
    • Location and description fields
    • Timezone handling
  4. calendar_delete_event

    • Delete events by ID
    • Option for cancellation notifications


  • Source code is in TypeScript under the src/ directory
  • Build output goes to dist/ directory
  • Uses ES modules for better modularity
  • Follows Google API best practices

Project Structure

├── src/
│   ├── server.ts           # Main server implementation
│   ├── services/
│   │   └── gauth.ts        # Google authentication service
│   ├── tools/
│   │   ├── gmail.ts        # Gmail tools implementation
│   │   └── calendar.ts     # Calendar tools implementation
│   └── types/
│       └── tool-handler.ts # Common types and interfaces
├── .gauth.json             # OAuth2 credentials
├── .accounts.json          # Account configuration
├── package.json            # Project dependencies
└── tsconfig.json           # TypeScript configuration

Development Commands

  • npm run build: Build TypeScript code

  • npm start: Start the server

              - `npm run dev`: Start in development mode with auto-reload


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Commit your changes
  4. Push to the branch
  5. Create a Pull Request


MIT License - see LICENSE file for details

Last updated: 3/4/2025

Publisher info

j3k0's avatar

Jean-Christophe Hoelt

Co-founder of Fovea. Open source enthousiast.


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