
Created 12/15/2024bygo-go-golems








A Go implementation of the Model Context Protocol (MCP), providing a framework for building MCP servers and clients.


To install the go-go-mcp command line tool with homebrew, run:

brew tap go-go-golems/go-go-go
brew install go-go-golems/go-go-go/go-go-mcp

To install the go-go-mcp command using apt-get, run:

echo "deb [trusted=yes] https://apt.fury.io/go-go-golems/ /" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/fury.list
apt-get update
apt-get install go-go-mcp

To install using yum, run:

echo "
name=Gemfury Private Repo
" >> /etc/yum.repos.d/fury.repo
yum install go-go-mcp

To install using go get, run:

go get -u github.com/go-go-golems/go-go-mcp/cmd/go-go-mcp

Finally, install by downloading the binaries straight from github.


This project implements the Model Context Protocol, which enables standardized communication between AI applications and language models. The implementation includes:

  • MCP server and client

  • Support for SSE and stdio transports

  • Bridge to expose an SSE server as a stdio server

  • Templated shell scripts as MCP tools

  • Configuration files for profiles

  • Core protocol message types and interfaces

  • A modular registry system for managing prompts, resources, and tools

  • Support for custom handlers and subscriptions

Supported Methods

The server implements the MCP specification methods:

  • initialize - Protocol initialization and capability negotiation
  • ping - Connection health check
  • prompts/list - List available prompts
  • prompts/get - Retrieve prompt content
  • resources/list - List available resources
  • resources/read - Read resource content
  • tools/list - List available tools
  • tools/call - Execute a tool

Not yet implemented:

  • notifications

              - `resources/subscribe` - Subscribe to resource updates


Basic Usage

The binary can be run in a few different modes:

  • Server mode: Run as an MCP server process
  • Client mode: Use client commands to interact with an MCP server
  • Bridge mode: Expose an SSE server as a stdio server

Server Mode

Start the server with either stdio or SSE transport:

# Start with stdio transport (default)
go-go-mcp server start --transport stdio

# Start with SSE transport
go-go-mcp server start --transport sse --port 3001

The server automatically watches configured repositories and files for changes, reloading tools when:

  • Files are added or removed from watched directories
  • Tool configuration files are modified
  • Repository structure changes

This allows for dynamic tool updates without server restarts.

Server Tools

You can interact with tools directly without starting a server using the server tools commands:

# List available tools using the 'all' profile
go-go-mcp server tools list --profile all

# List only system monitoring tools
go-go-mcp server tools list --profile system

# Call a tool directly
go-go-mcp server tools call system-monitor --args format=json,metrics=cpu,memory

# Call a tool with JSON arguments
go-go-mcp server tools call calendar-event --json '{
  "title": "Team Meeting",
  "start_time": "2024-02-01 10:00",
  "duration": 60

The available tools depend on the selected profile:

# System monitoring profile
go-go-mcp server tools list --profile system
# Shows: system-monitor, disk-usage, etc.

# Calendar profile
go-go-mcp server tools list --profile calendar
# Shows: calendar-event, calendar-availability, etc.

# Data analysis profile
go-go-mcp server tools list --profile data
# Shows: data-analyzer, data-visualizer, etc.

Client Mode

Use the client subcommand to interact with an MCP server:

# List available prompts (uses default server: go-go-mcp server start --transport stdio)

                go-go-mcp client prompts list

# List available tools
go-go-mcp client tools list

# Execute a prompt with arguments
go-go-mcp client prompts execute hello --args '{"name":"World"}'

# Call a tool with arguments
go-go-mcp client tools call echo --args '{"message":"Hello, MCP!"}'

You can customize the server command and arguments if needed:

# Use a different server binary with custom arguments
go-go-mcp client --command custom-server,start,--debug,--port,8001 prompts list

# Use a server with a specific configuration
go-go-mcp client -c go-go-mcp,start,--config,config.yaml prompts list

Using go-go-mcp as a Bridge

go-go-mcp can be used as a bridge to expose an SSE server as a stdio server. This is useful when you need to connect a stdio-based client to an SSE server:

# Start an SSE server on port 3000
go-go-mcp server start --transport sse --port 3000

# In another terminal, start the bridge to expose the SSE server as stdio
go-go-mcp bridge --sse-url http://localhost:3000 --log-level debug

# Now you can use stdio-based clients to connect to the bridge

This is particularly useful when integrating with tools that only support stdio communication but need to connect to a web-based MCP server.

Debug Mode

Add the --debug flag to enable detailed logging:

go-go-mcp server start --debug 

Version Information

Check the version:

go-go-mcp -v


go-go-mcp can be configured using YAML configuration files that allow you to:

  • Define multiple profiles for different environments
  • Configure tool and prompt sources
  • Set parameter defaults and overrides
  • Control access through blacklists/whitelists
  • Manage security through parameter filtering

Command-Line Configuration Management

The config command group provides tools to manage your configuration:

# Create a new configuration file
go-go-mcp config init

# Edit configuration in your default editor
go-go-mcp config edit

                # List available profiles
go-go-mcp config list-profiles

# Show details of a specific profile
go-go-mcp config show-profile default

# Add a tool directory to a profile
go-go-mcp config add-tool default --dir ./tools/system

# Add a specific tool file to a profile
go-go-mcp config add-tool default --file ./tools/special-tool.yaml

# Create a new profile
go-go-mcp config add-profile production "Production environment configuration"

# Duplicate an existing profile
go-go-mcp config duplicate-profile development staging "Staging environment configuration"

# Set the default profile
go-go-mcp config set-default-profile production

For detailed configuration documentation, use:

# View configuration file documentation
go-go-mcp help config-file

# View example configuration
go-go-mcp help config-file --example

Shell Commands

go-go-mcp supports defining custom shell commands in YAML files, providing:

  • Template-based command generation with Go templates and Sprig functions
  • Rich parameter type system
  • Environment variable management
  • Working directory control
  • Error handling and output capture

Example Commands

The examples/ directory contains various ready-to-use commands. You can view the schema for any command using go-go-mcp schema , which shows the full parameter documentation that is passed to the LLM:

go-go-mcp schema examples/github/list-github-issues.yaml

GitHub Integration

Web Content Tools

Research and Documentation

            - [`examples/shell-commands/diary-append.yaml`](examples/shell-commands/diary-append.yaml) - Maintain a timestamped diary

For any command, you can view its full schema and documentation using:

# View the full parameter schema and documentation
go-go-mcp schema examples/github/list-github-issues.yaml

# View the command help
go-go-mcp run-command examples/github/list-github-issues.yaml --help

Running Shell Commands Directly

You can run shell commands directly using the run-command subcommand. This allows you to execute any shell command YAML file without loading it into a server first:

# View command help and available flags
go-go-mcp run-command examples/github/list-github-issues.yaml --help

# Run a command with specific parameters
go-go-mcp run-command examples/github/list-github-issues.yaml --author wesen

# Run a Google Calendar command
go-go-mcp run-command examples/google/get-calendar.yaml --start today --end "next week"

# Run a URL fetching command
go-go-mcp run-command examples/shell-commands/fetch-url.yaml --url https://example.com

This provides a simpler way to use shell commands as standalone command-line tools without setting up a server.

Generating Shell Commands with Pinocchio

You can use Pinocchio to generate shell commands for go-go-mcp. First, add your local go-go-mcp repository as a Pinocchio repository:

pinocchio config repositories add $(pwd)/pinocchio

Then generate a new command using:

pinocchio go-go-mcp create-command --description "A command description"

This will create a new shell command YAML file with the appropriate structure and configuration.

For detailed shell commands documentation, use:

# View shell commands documentation
go-go-mcp help shell-commands

                # View example shell commands
go-go-mcp help shell-commands --example

Help System

go-go-mcp comes with comprehensive built-in documentation. To explore:

# List all available help topics
go-go-mcp help --all

# Get help on a specific topic
go-go-mcp help 

# Show examples for a topic
go-go-mcp help  --example


A simple YAML-based Domain Specific Language for defining user interfaces.


The DSL supports the following basic components:


  • text: Button label
  • type: primary, secondary, danger, success
  • onclick: JavaScript event handler


  • content: Heading text content


  • content: Text content


  • type: text, email, password, number, tel
  • placeholder: Placeholder text
  • value: Default value
  • required: Boolean


  • placeholder: Placeholder text
  • rows: Number of rows
  • cols: Number of columns
  • value: Default value


  • label: Checkbox label
  • checked: Boolean
  • required: Boolean
  • name: Form field name


  • type: ul or ol
  • items: Array of items or nested components

Common Attributes

All components support these common attributes:

  • id: Unique identifier
  • style: Inline CSS
  • disabled: Boolean
  • data: Map of data attributes


  id: signup-form
    - title:
        content: Sign Up
    - text:
        content: Please fill in your details below.
    - input:
        type: email
        placeholder: Email address
    - button:
        text: Submit
        type: primary

See ui-dsl.yaml for more comprehensive examples.

Last updated: 3/5/2025

Publisher info

go-go-golems's avatar



United States of America

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