
Created 2/17/2025by1amageek










Swift Version License

A distributed context protocol implementation for Swift.

swift-context-protocol is a Swift-based implementation of the Model Context Protocol (MCP) for AI contexts. It leverages Swift’s distributed actor model to enable type-safe, asynchronous remote invocation of tools, resources, and prompts.


  • Distributed Context Protocol
    Define a common interface (ContextProtocol) for operations like ping, initialize, complete, set logging level, resource reading, tool calling, and prompt execution.

  • Tool, Resource, and Prompt Protocols
    Provide standardized protocols for:

    • Tool: Executes a specific operation using JSON schema validated inputs.
    • Resource: Represents a resource identified by a URI, supporting asynchronous read operations.
    • Prompt: Generates prompt templates or responses based on input parameters.
  • JSON Schema Support
    Input and output formats can be validated and described using JSONSchema.

  • Distributed Actors
    Leverages Swift’s new distributed actor model (with WebSocketActorSystem) to allow remote invocation of protocol methods.

  • Capability Negotiation & Initialization
    Exchange client and server information along with supported capabilities during the initialization handshake.


Add the following dependency to your Package.swift:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/1amageek/swift-context-protocol.git", from: "1.0.0")

Then add "swift-context-protocol" to your target dependencies.


Creating a Custom Tool

Implement the Tool protocol to create a custom tool. For example, here's a simple echo tool that returns the input string:

import Foundation
import JSONSchema
import ContextProtocol

                /// A simple tool that echoes the provided input.
public struct EchoTool: Tool {
    public typealias Input = Envelop
    public typealias Output = String
    public var name: String = "echo"
    public var description: String = "A tool that echoes the provided input."
    public var inputSchema: JSONSchema? = .string()
    public var guide: String? = """
    # Tool Name
    ## Description
    This tool echoes back the input string provided to it.
    ## Parameters
    - `input`: The string to be echoed.
      - **Type**: `String`
      - **Description**: The input text that will be returned as output.
    ## Usage
    Provide a valid string as input.
    ## Example
    let input = "Hello, world!"
    // EchoTool returns: "Hello, world!"
    public func run(_ input: Envelop) async throws -> String {
        return input.data

Registering Components and Starting the Server

Create a distributed actor (e.g., ContextActor) that implements the ContextProtocol and registers your tools, resources, and prompts.

import Foundation
import Distributed
import WebSocketActors
import ContextProtocol

struct Boot {
    static func main() async throws {
        let server = ContextServer()
        server.setTools([ EchoTool() ])
        try await server.start()

Connecting a Client

You can connect to the server using a client wrapper like ContextClient:

import Foundation
import Distributed
import ContextProtocol

struct ClientBoot {
    static func main() async throws {
        let client = try await ContextClient.connectServer()
        let data = Envelop(data: "Hello, World!")
        let parameters = try JSONEncoder().encode(data)
        let toolResponse = try await client.session.callTool(
            name: "echo",
            parameters: parameters
            During connection, the client performs an initialization handshake where it sends its information and capabilities and receives server details and instructions. A cool connection banner is printed on success.

API Overview


The distributed actor protocol defines methods for:

  • initialize: Handshake with client info and capabilities.
  • ping: Simple connectivity check.
  • complete: Trigger completion logic.
  • setLoggingLevel: Adjust logging level.
  • getPrompt: Request a prompt.
  • listPrompts: List available prompt templates.
  • listResources: Retrieve a list of resources.
  • readResource: Read resource content (returns a ResourceContentData enum).
  • subscribeResource / unsubscribeResource: Manage resource subscriptions.
  • callTool: Call a tool and receive its output as a ResourceContentData enum.
  • listTools: Retrieve a list of tools.
  • sendRootsListChanged: Notify changes in the root resource list.

Domain Types

  • ServerInfo / ClientInfo: Exchange basic identity and versioning information.
  • CapabilityConfig: Key-value settings indicating supported capabilities.
  • ResourceContentData: An enum (e.g., .text(String) or .binary(Data)) to represent resource contents.
  • ToolResponse / PromptResponse / ResourceResponse: DTOs used to list available tools, prompts, and resources.
  • **ListResponse**: A generic wrapper for lists.


Contributions are welcome! Please open issues or pull requests on GitHub.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Last updated: 2/18/2025

Publisher info

1amageek's avatar



Stamp Inc
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